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Your Exclusive Bonuses When You Register Now

BONUS: A LIVE pass to the Premier Property 3 Day Property Investing Masterclass

The Premier Property 3 Day Property Investing Masterclass is the UK's flagship property training. You get to spend 3 days fully immersed in a practical masterclass learning cutting edge strategies that you can use in the property market right now. As well as this, there are open floor Q and A sessions throughout the 3 Days, so by the Monday morning after the masterclass you are ready to start and scale in property to meet your financial goals. - £2,999

BONUS: Property Investor’s Toolkit 

Number crunching your deals has never been easier. At Premier Property, the Property Investors Tool kit contains all of the systems you would need when it comes to the numbers side of your property investing. Whether you are analysing your deals to work out your monthly net cashflow or you return on investment, or you want to send your annual accounts to your accountant, or you want to make sure you can track the deals you view and offer on, you get this on the Premier Property 3 Day Masterclass. - £499

BONUS: 50 Ready Made Direct to Vendor Leaflets & Postcards to use immediately

If you would like to achieve chunky discounts, we're talking 30%, 40%, 50+% on properties you buy then you need these direct to vendor leaflets. We've collated 50 of our most effective and proven leaflets and postcards for you to copy and paste to use in your investment area of choice. - £199

BONUS: Property Viewing Checklist

Viewing properties just got a lot easier, quicker and more profitable, let me explain. When you register your place for the Premier Property 3 Day Masterclass you get access to the property viewing checklist that allows you to view properties in 10 minutes or less. Most people waste hours viewing properties, and miss out some of the most important information, and worst yet, they also ruin the relationship they have with the estate agent because they waste the agents time and patience. When you get this, you're in and out within 10 minutes, having made a note of all the details you need, that way, you can build rapport with your estate agents, and get the best deals in the property market. - £99

BONUS: Non - Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

When you do deals with other people, you want to make sure that your deal is protected, and ultimately the person you are working with doesn't take advantage. You can use this template to make sure what you discuss about a deal stay between the parties involved, and makes your partnerships more professional - £149

BONUS: Property Investor's Survey Guide

How to survey properties - Surveying properties is a skill that people take years to master, and the more experienced you are, the greater the variables you assess. At Premier Property, we created the Property Investor's Survey Guide which is a surveyor in your bag. It outlines the key factors to assess when surveying a property, the mistakes to watch out for. This guide has been praised by Max lambert, who has been a surveyor for 50 years. - £499

Your Special Deal

The good news is you wont have to pay £50,000 per day. Or £40,000, or £30,000. The investment for attending the Premier Property 3 Day Property Investing Masterclass is just £2,999+Vat. Plus Your Exclusive Bonuses, that comes to a total of £24,882.

BUT for a limited time only, you’re going to get all of this for just £999+Vat.

And you’ll be able to write the cost of attending against tax. So make sure you keep your receipts for your accountant.

Why have we slashed the price?

Well there’s a couple of reasons. 

This is the First Time we are holding the Premier Property 3 Day Property Investing Masterclass Live after lockdown and we've updated the 3 Days to make sure you can survive and thrive in property during the recession we are all now going through.

The second reason is because I want to make sure anyone can do this. I get that confidence is low in the property market, which is why I want you to get in now, before it’s too late.

So for a limited time, we have slashed the price and added in exclusive bonuses.

Results People Have Achieved Once Attending The Premier Property 3 Day Masterclass

-Grace Kelly - Business Owner

"I remember the last recession. It was tough. I attended the Premier Property 3 Day Masterclass to learn how to invest in property properly. You are supported. You get to ask questions. Everything we do is practical. It gave me the confidence to implement the steps in the real world. I've created an income of £60,000 per year by using what I learned. I'm now looking to grow. My projection for the next 12 months is £240,000 in income. I didn't believe I could ever get to that number before, but now it just seems so doable. The best part of my journey so far is now I've got my son involved in property too."

 -Max Lambert - Chartered Surveyor

"I've been a property surveyor for almost 50 years. I can truly say that I have never seen anything as information rich and practical as this. By attending the Premier Property 3 Day Property Investing Masterclass, I have learned a huge amount which I can now implement in my property business. I have also met some fantastic people, both new and experienced, young and old. You need to be here if you would like to be a successful property investor."

-Stephanie Wilson - ex banker turned property investor

"I was fed up with my job, feeling under-appreciated led me to get in to property. I attended the masterclass and chose to start in buy to let. I've used what I learned about estate agents to find buy to let deals with huge discounts in them. I was completely new to property when I attended. I've now got a portfolio of buy to lets, and have left my job. I now source deals for other people who are also looking to invest in property. It's the best decision I've ever made."

-Puneet Dixit - IT Consultant

"I like to de-risk things as much as possible, and I do suffer from analysis paralysis which in the past has cost me opportunities. But I had to attend these 3 days, I needed to make a change, and, Wow. What can I say. The 3 days are life-changing. I used the goldmine area strategy to find my area to invest in. I've now got a portfolio worth £1.25 Million that generates me a 9% yield which is incredible because the area is so close to London. I've got around half a million pounds worth of equity in my portfolio. It's only been 6 months since the masterclass, I could have done it faster, but I also work full time."

-Peter Nicholson - Engineer  

"I've been a property investor for a long time. As an engineer I'm also surrounded by property investors all the time, as well as developers. No one I know is as property savvy as these guys. I've used the practical information to increase my portfolio size by £500,000."

- Yvette Lyzell - Business Owner

"I've been able to use property as a vehicle to create my dream business. I know property is good, so I decided to learn from Premier Property on how to invest in property correctly. Following the 3 days, I've got an HMO which produced around £1,800 per calendar month. I've also raised £350,000 in finance. I'm really excited for what the future holds."

Lorraine Thomas  - Property Investor

"I gave up my job in the city to become a full time carer for my dad. Just before the 3 days, I had attended an auction and bought a property, and realised I had done it completely wrong. I used the knowledge Kam shared and help from the team at Premier Property to turn it around and make it a success. That purchase I made at auction is now being made in to 7 flats and 2 houses. At the end of the year, it will make around £1million. I'm completely over the moon. Without the knowledge from the 3 days, and without the help from the team at Premier Property, I have no idea where I would be."

- Chris and Jo Phillips

"We attended the 3 day masterclass just over 6 months ago. Using what we learned over the 3 days, we've built a passive income of just over £50,000 per year. It gives us the time to choose what we do with our time. My wife is a painter, and now she has more time to do that, rather than worry about paying the next bill. Oh, and we haven't stopped here. We've currently got 3 projects happening right now, and they should be completed soon too. I just want to thank Premier Property for their knowledge, support and guidance. It really feels like we are part of a family."

- Shem Haye - Professional  

"I searched in so many places to find an honest property mentor, but out there it's very sharky. I finally came across Kam, and I asked him to mentor me. This guy is incredibly busy, he is a property investor and developer, and I've seen the projects he does. So I had to attend the 3 days to get more time with him so I could ask him my specific questions and he had the dedicated time to answer them. It was invaluable. The knowledge I gained was incredible. The people I met I have worked with to do projects. I used one of the strategies, to work with 5 people in 5 months who paid me £6,500 each. That's £32,500 in just 5 months."

- Evelyn O. - Healthcare 

"I got my first property within 2 weeks of attending the course. That makes me just over £1,100 per month. I've now got my second property which also generates me the same number. It's only been 5 or 6 weeks after the course, and I'm netting around £27,000 per year. The knowledge you get from Premier Property truly is power."

- Soraya Madacus - Property Investor 

"I was made redundant from my job, and I needed to find an asset to invest in. I chose property. I chose to learn from Premier Property and I have not looked back. Yes, you get the information, the networking, the education. But what's important for me was the confidence. I feel safe investing in property because I have Premier Property by my side. I have done a number of buy to lets since doing the masterclass, but now I am moving in to development. With what I have learned from Kam and the team, I am converting a police station in to a number of apartments. It was even featured in the local paper. It will make around £1 Million, and I feel like i'm just getting started." 

-Anton Kinwa - Property

"Do it. Honestly just do it. You will thank yourself. I've been to a lot of courses and it is a lot of stuff that sounds good but doesn't work. The content  you learn on the Premier Property 3 Day Property Investing Masterclass works. I'm living proof of this. I found a joint venture partner at the 3 Days, funnily enough using the strategies that Kam shares on the 3 days on how to find a joint venture partner. I've built up a yearly passive income of £36,000 so far. I'm looking to make it £74,000 by the end of this year. And that's being conservative."
